In accordance with the Limited Liability Companies Act, the remuneration to be paid to the members of the company's Board of Directors is decided by the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting.
The company's Board of Directors decides on the remuneration of the CEO and the group's Management Team, as well as the principles of remuneration.
The People and Remuneration Committee prepares the matters to be decided and uses external experts at its discretion in its preparatory work.
The remuneration of the CEO and the group's Management Team is defined by the following principles:
The goal of rewarding is to engage top management, motivate them to improve their performance, and direct their work in a way that supports Duell's growth and competitiveness.
The main focus is on total compensation, which consists of a fixed basic salary with benefits and a performance-based bonus.
Remuneration follows the general remuneration practices of the company and the country.
The board defines the terms and objectives of the reward program. Payments according to the program are discretionary and tied to the company's profitability.
The Board of Director’s remuneration is decided by the general meeting.
The Annual General Meeting 2024 resolved that the members of the Board of Directors are paid following monthly compensation: Chair of the Board of Directors: EUR 4,000; Deputy Chair of the Board of Directors: EUR 3,000; and other members of the Board of Directors: EUR 2,000.
Members of Committees are paid the following meeting fees: Chair of a Committee: EUR 1,000 per meeting, however, only if a member of the Board of Directors other than the Chair or Deputy Chair of the Board of Directors acts as the Chair of the Committee; and other members of Committees: EUR 500 per meeting.
In addition, reasonable travel expenses incurred by members of the Board of Directors from meetings will be reimbursed in accordance with the company’s travel policy.
The CEO's remuneration consists of a basic salary, fringe benefits, a short-term remuneration program based on the goals set annually, and a contribution-based supplementary pension.
The total remuneraton paid to Duell's previous CEO Jarkko Ämmälä for the financial year until 31.5.2024 was EUR 153,918. The total reward includes base salary and benefits as well as a short-term bonus of EUR 8,000 paid based on the result for the financial year 2023 (paid in November 2023). Statutory pension contributions are not included in the total wages paid. In 2024, the fixed salary will account for 95% of the CEO's total remuneration and the variable component for 5%.
The remuneration paid during the financial year of the current CEO Magnus Miemois will be reported on 1.6.2024, i.e. from the beginning of the CEO's position. As of June 2024, the total remuneration paid to Miemois is EUR 56,027 consisting of a 100% fixed remuneration. Statutory pension contributions are not included in the total wages paid.
The short-term reward program is based on annually set business goals and possible personal goals. In 2022, the reward was tied to the group's profitability (EBITA) and strategically important integration projects from a business perspective.
The supplementary pension is paid-in, and the retirement age is set at 60 years.
The total fixed annual remuneration of the management team during financial year 2024 summed to EUR 694,780.74 including phone and car benefits. Total variable remuneration for the management team was EUR 83,050. The total remuneration of the management team was 777,830.74 EUR. The rewards exclude statutory pension contributions.
The management team was paid EUR 3,000 as supplementary pension contributions during the financial year 2024. The management team members were not paid any other taxable benefits during the financial year 2024.
The summary of remuneration 2024 (1.9.2023 – 31.8.2024) includes the remuneration of Duell Group’s (“Duell”) governing bodies: Board of Directors and the CEO. The remuneration of the governing bodies in 2024 complies to Duell’s remuneration policy approved by the Annual General Meeting on November 20, 2024.
Remuneration policy 2024
Remuneration report 2024
Further information is available in Duell Corporation's People and Remuneration Committee's charter.